Comments on past and present political, religious and pop cultural events.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yep, Sex is on the Evangelical Mind

A few days ago I made a post about how many evanglicals have sex on the mind. Then today I ran across the Baptist Press News article that only served to fortify my view.

In Kentucky, over 700 students gathered at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to talk about God and Sex.

As the Dean of the School of Theology, Russel D. Moore said: “Right now in this generation there are a couple of white hot issues that are the key touchstones of apologetic interest, and sex is right there at the center of it"

Yes, like I've been saying...or better yet, in the words of the BPN article: "sex is not a secondary issue."

Sex is on everybody's mind it seems.

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Konnarock, Virginia via Washington, DC
Father. Husband. Academic. Avid reader and writer with dreams of returning to the Appalachian mountains.
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