Comments on past and present political, religious and pop cultural events.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Practicing criticism is a matter of making facile gestures difficult

A fantastic quote from Michel Foucault, "Practicing Criticism."
A Critique is not a matter of saying that things are not right as they are. It is a matter of pointing out on what kinds of assumptions, what kinds of familiar, unchallenged, unconsidered modes of thought the practices that we accept rest....

Criticism is a matter of flushing out that thought and trying to change it: to show that things are not as self-evident as one believed, to see that what is accepted as self evident will no longer be accepted as such. Practicing criticism is a matter of making facile gesture difficult.

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Konnarock, Virginia via Washington, DC
Father. Husband. Academic. Avid reader and writer with dreams of returning to the Appalachian mountains.
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